Sunday, September 21, 2008

In their honor.....

b&b in pink.

Today we proudly joined our In the Pink teammates and 45,000 other participants and did the 5K walk in the 2008 Koman Race for the Cure. We walked for Brian's mom, who just had a mastectomy this summer and is doing great, for Sarah's mom, who bravely fought breast cancer until the end in December 2003, for my dad who gave his colon cancer all it could handle until his death in August 2004, for my Mom who looked metastatic melanoma in the eye and has been cancer free since 2002, for my friend Michael's mother, for Red who won't let chemo slow him down, and for all those who have fought and are still fighting the scourge of cancer.

the davis clan (Earl, Brian, Elaine, Kevin) ready for action

Brian and Elaine, sporting her pink survivor's shirt

Earl in pink curls

my manly man, the pink cowboy :-)

the other 45,000

the other 45,000

Elaine with the survivior's flower at the finish

Portland landmarks in the grey

Portland landmarks in the grey

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