Wednesday, July 11, 2007

More than you ever wanted to know about BD...

I was tagged to write eight habits about myself from my friend Chelle the true blue New Yawker living in Minneapolis. Essentially, this is meant to be a worldwide game of tag and I'm supposed to list eight people at the bottom of this post who are now meant to do the same. However, Homie don't play that so instead I'll let my wife be the one to link up more people (she's more amenable to that sort of thing) to the fun. Now onto all the things you never wanted to know about me...

My Facts and Habits:

  1. I am a creature of habit: I run 4 days a week, I have one caffeinated beverage a day, I put on my shoes the same way, I need the Scrabble board a certain direction, etc. Becca says I'm anal retentive. Whatever. I like consistency.
  2. I am an Eagle Scout. In fact, I got my Eagle Scout badge when I was 15. The most memorable part of the day was falling off an elevated scorers table at my brother's basketball game beforehand, guaranteeing me a day of being hopped up on painkillers.
  3. It is a miracle that I didn't have a heart attack in my mid-20's. To say I had an anger problem would likely be a gross understatement. I too often lashed out at things I had little control over. Thankfully over time (with a lot of help and patience from the wonderful wife) I have mellowed. Still doesn't mean I won't get fired up at times but I handle it in a tempered manner and have learned that sometimes... stuff just happens and there's nothing you can do about it.
  4. My debt collection skills are top notch. Or so said my previous boss at Best Buy. When I was looking for a career job in Minnesota, I did a lot of temp work. One of those jobs was as a corporate debt collector for Best Buy. I found out more about my tenacity and closer skills in that job than I ever care to know. For the record, the biggest culprits were... schools and churches. Evidently God doesn't pay off the big screen TV on Best Buy's terms.
  5. My longest relationship prior to Becca was 4 1/2 months. It's not like I was a Lothario making the rounds; instead I was quite happy living the single life and the relationships I did have just organically ended. The same organic process led to me moving across the country 10 months into a relationship that will hit 7 years(!) in September.
  6. I probably should have been an engineer. My GRE scores showed as much (I scored a 790 on the Analytical section), my best friends from HS and college are both engineers and my brain is just wired that way. Thankfully, I didn't. I consider myself to have far too many social skills to be a proper engineer. Plus I enjoy the big picture and using words to make a point.
  7. I was my current height in the 6th grade. So I've gone from a center on the middle school basketball team with Kevin McHale-esque low post moves to a shooting guard in college with no jump shot. You wonder why I only run nowadays...
  8. Finally... I have a plethora of nicknames. The cool thing is that I've picked them up in different parts of my life and as a result can immediately place who's talking to me by what nickname they use. Here's the rundown: Orson (as in Bean), Beanie (I used to warm up in HS in a beanie stocking cap), BD (fairly obvious; the only one of the list that has been prevalent throughout time, Visa (ultimate; my credit card length jumping ability), Bizo (ultimate; no real reasoning but just given to me by my former teammate Merde), and I have to admit my favorite... Bounce-Bounce (Bounce for short). This was given to me by my first friends in Minnesota, Alex and Matt. Why Bounce-Bounce? Well, they were watching MST3k and the episode was Hobgoblins. Servo uttered the following: Meet the hobgoblins: Frankie, Sniffles, Bounce-Bounce and the Claw. At that point they decided they were going to give out those nicknames to people they knew. Somehow they only got around to sticking me with my moniker but as a new guy in a new town, it kind of made me feel at home.
So there you go. You, the loyal blog reader know more about me than you ever cared to know. If you think I missed something, please feel free to add it to the comments. In the meantime, for being a trooper and reading the whole damn thing I've embedded a YouTube reward...


(the video is a garden tool fight from Hobgoblins)


Anonymous said...

Here, just watch the first fifteen seconds of this:

You're welcome. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, should have linked that. I didn't know blogger couldn't handle long text strings...


Vagablonde Bombchelle said...

Excellent. I am terribly interested in all your items. It's fun seeing what people pick up about themselves. If we were truly brave and thick skinned, we should write 7 things about each other!

Anonymous said...


As one of the engineers you refer to in your post (I think), I do not appreciate the cheap shot about our lack of social skills. To get you back, I should mention your other high school nickname. But that would prove your point about my social skills, so I won't say anything.
Good luck on Hood-to-Coast. Let me know if you get a leg in Gresham, so I can watch.

Anonymous said...

wow--i never had you pegged as anger-man.

thanks for the link to wedding photos. very non-anger-man event. lovely.