Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Welcome to the Working Week...

Yesterday was officially day one of "work" for both of us. I got up early, went for a run (not a pleasant experience; 15 months of not running has me sore, very stiff and feeling like I'm 80) took a shower and proceeded to spent the next 10 hours running around like the proverbial rat searching for the cheese.

Big picture items to be done:
1) Get MN house on market and sell it before the snow hits.
2) Go back through our stuff in MN, then move it across the country to a TBD location.
3) Find a job, preferably one that allows us to actually afford a place in Portland.
4) Find a place to live in Portland. Currently we're living in the spare bedroom at my brother-in-law's place. Not a bad setup by any means but we're both already dreaming of having our own place. In the meantime we're enjoying the concept of having drawers to put things in.

What do these four items entail? A billion little things. That's what we've got to get working on. I realize after 15 months of super cool traveling complaining would be a bit much. That being said, it feels like a very daunting task we have ahead of us. As my friend Kelley used to say "Son, you need a stepladder and a sack lunch to take that on."

Still, we figure if we were able to navigate the buses and trains in China, we should be able to handle this. We'll just have to take it one step at a time. Now, where did I pack the stepladder?



Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

"The End"?

It's nice to have you back.

I will remind you that 1.) I live in MN and 2.) I work from home- if you guys need any help or legwork just let me know.


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