Monday, October 10, 2005

Technology... Run Away! Run Away!

I know this is going to most likely scare off the techno-phobes of the group, but since I'm pretty sure my friends aren't posting to hype up leasing needs and indian beauties, we've had to adjust the comments section to prevent that nasty spam from coming up. When you leave a comment, you'll have to include a list of letters (aka word verification) that Blogger gives you to post your comment. Simple but if you have any questions, send them our way.

First the telemarketers, then email spam and now comments on the blog. Thankfully I don't own a cell phone else it might be giving me some sort of virus I can easily be getting off on my own thank you.

More to come. Headed back to Barcelona tonight after a relaxing 4-5 days in southern Spain. Walking around in 90 degree weather in the afternoon makes me understand the "siesta" concept a lot better...


PS. Another two new entries up as we try to clear the backlog

1 comment:

BD said...

See, it's just so easy...